The BCL Hall Renewal Committee is looking at the future of our community hall, which is almost 60 years old and bursting at the seams.This hall belongs to the community, so we want to hear from as ma...
The University of Alberta will be holding a public information open house regarding a progress update on the amendment of land use plans (Long Range Development Plan) for South Campus. This open hou...
You can learn more about the City of Edmonton proposed bicycle routes on their website, and at upcoming meetings. The first meeting is tonight, February 12, 2013, at Hazeldean School. For more...
Do you have opinions about on-street bike routes in Edmonton? You have an opportunity to voice your opinions to the City. An online survey will be available to collect your feedback starting on Febru...
Community Meeting: Talking with Neighbours about Transit Oriented Development Plans for Belgravia 7 – 8:30 pm, Thursday, January 17th Belgravia Community League Hall Coffee, tea and dessert wil...
The City of Edmonton requests input regarding the expansion and improvement of its on-street bicycle routes. One of these routes is in Belgravia on 116th Street from 71 Ave to 73 Ave, continuing east...
Good morning, As you are aware, a station area plan is being prepared for McKernan and Belgravia neighbourhoods. This plan will determine the location and design of future transit-oriented land uses ...
Noise issuesThe following is submitted by Alex Macdonald & Bev Ross regarding next door infill development and their experience. Given their work on this, Belgravia residents with adjacent or ne...
Belgravia resident Caitlin Brandon interviews Michael Strong, Senior Planner with City of Edmonton Sustainable Development about the Transit Oriented Development project currently underway with Belgr...
Michael Strong, Senior Planner with City of Edmonton Sustainable Development sends the following: I am pleased to inform you that all materials from the March 20th Public Open House Workshop (#2) are...