Spend Family Day Unplugged Challenge your family to spend time away from technology The City of Edmonton has joined 21 municipalities in the Edmonton Evergreen FCSS Region to challenge residents to u...
Hello ever active members, A teacher representative and I had the opportunity of attending the provincial Ever Active conference, “Shaping the Future”, held Jan. 24-26 at Kananask...
You can learn more about the City of Edmonton proposed bicycle routes on their website, and at upcoming meetings. The first meeting is tonight, February 12, 2013, at Hazeldean School. For more...
Do you have opinions about on-street bike routes in Edmonton? You have an opportunity to voice your opinions to the City. An online survey will be available to collect your feedback starting on Febru...
Please join residents of McKernan and Belgravia to discuss the final phase of the Station Area Plan for McKernan and Belgravia. Transit Oriented Development Community Meeting: Tuesday, February 5th a...
For families: SWIMMING AFTERNOON – Sunday, Jan. 27th 2 – 4 p.m. at SCONA POOL (10450 – 72 Ave.), admission not covered SKATING – after school on the Belgravia Community rink WINTER WALK DAY 20...
You are invited to come and talk about the City’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plans for Belgravia this coming Thursday, January 17 (7 – 8:30 pm) at the Belgravia Community League (BCL) H...