September, 2024 Programs Starting Up …

Programs beginning at the BCL Hall this September include:

  1. Fall Musical Theatre: Starts September 11; contact Marion Brenner:
  2. Friday Night Movies at the Hall: September 13, 6:30 pm Upper Hall (First show of the series: Minions  Open to all Belgravia kids, friends & families. Popcorn & juice concession stand on site.
  3. Matt Yoga: Tuesday & Thursdays; Starts September 17 & 19; 0945 – 1045 h; Upper Hall.
  4. Strength & Stretch Class: Tuesday & Thursdays; Starts September 17 & 19; 1100 – 1200 h; Lower Hall
  5. Girl Guides: Starts September 23; 6:30 pm Lower hall
  6. Soapstone Carving Club: Starts September 23; Upper Hall
  7. And more to follow … stay tuned!

Check out Programs on BCL Webpage or contact for further information.

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