Please have a look at our new website (This message works better in print!)
After last month’s newsletter I got a call from Chris Martyniuk of hulbert’s who volunteered to build a website for the Belgravia Community on a volunteer basis. Please go have a look, in about a week he got up a first class website with lots of fresh ideas. As with any great website this is a work in progress please email Chris or myself if you have information to be posted or any thoughts to help us make this better. Another thank you goes out to Therese Gaetz who stepped up to be our membership coordinator. Please call or email her if you are able to help in the membership drive.
As noted in the transportation report Sandy has arranged for City of Edmonton officials to come and describe our options on a parking permit program. Please come and listen in as I think this problem will become significant when the new LRT station opens in the spring. I think another big issue we will have is increased traffic congestion in the afternoon hours as these vehicles try to exit our community.
Another area of traffic concern at 76 avenue and 114 street is automobiles blocking the pedestrian crossing on the west side of the LRT tracks. People may as well start to get use to stopping on the west side of this crossing as it will be mandatory once the LRT starts operation.
One final note is that the Newsletter submission deadlines will be posted on our new website. Please make sure to get your advertising and articles in on time as some of the information is time sensitive and we will be unable to hold the newsletter. I would also like to thank my wife Barb for the great work in getting this information together as well as the stress of continually pressuring us to get our stuff in on time.