Local construction

Read about current and past infrastructure projects around Belgravia.

On this page:

Keillor Point

Keillor Point Art Commission Going Forward, March 16, 2022
Keillor Point Viewing Area Open, January 9, 2019
Construction started, October 22, 2018

Belgravia Square (condo at 76 Ave & 115 St)

October, 2019 Update
September 8, 2019 Update
May, 2019 Update
January 8, 2018 Update
December 13, 2018 Update
November 1, 2018 Update
September 18, 2018 Update
August 9, 2018 Update
July 10, 2018 Update
July 3, 2018 Update
Belgravia Square Development Plans Available
June 12, 2018 Update
May 29, 2018 Update
May 22, 2018 Update
Good Neighbour Agreement

Road Renewal Project

Road Renewal October Construction Schedule
Road Renewal September Construction Schedule
Road Renewal August-September Construction Schedule
Road Renewal Construction Warranty
July Construction Schedule

Construction in Belgravia has resumed. The Belgravia Transportation Committee will be in regular communication with the City and the contractor about schedule updates and neighbourhood access limitations. We will post updates as soon as details are received. For detailed schedules specific to your street, check your mail box for notifications from the contractor.
Park Paving

City Notice 2018-04-23

Groat Road Renewal

Starting Sunday May 6, at 7am, the first major traffic shift will take effect to accommodate preparation work for the next phase of construction:

– Vehicular traffic on the Groat Road Bridge will be shifted to the west half of the bridge
– Traffic on the Victoria Park Overpass will be down to a single lane in each direction to accommodate the bridge deck rehabilitation work
– Pedestrian and cyclist traffic will be temporarily moved to the closed northbound traffic lane

More details at https://www.edmonton.ca/projects_plans/roads/groat-road-bridges.aspx

Commercial Area (76th Ave & 115th St)

Construction of the public space in front of the businesses at 76th ave and 115th street is tentatively set to begin in mid-July. The City of Edmonton has worked with the local businesses on the design to transform the area.
See here for the design.

Some features include:

– A widened sidewalk next to the buildings
– An area for cafe tables and chairs
– A new landscaped area with trees, shrubs and benches for community members to sit and enjoy
– Angle parking access from 115 Street, with two accessible parking stalls located off the northern alley
– Street parking along the west side of 115 Street
– A sidewalk next to the angle parking off 115 Street

Prior to construction, a wooden pole in the centre of the median will be removed and the small trees will be relocated/removed.

South Campus & Surrounding Area

Neil Crawford Centre Community Letter September 10, 2018

Update March 2019
In March, the University of Alberta updated community leagues on the status of construction on the farm:

  • Two soccer fields will be constructed near the 63rd avenue farm entrance this summer. The fields will be ready for the 2020 soccer seasons. One will be sunken (like Lendrum’s soccer field).
  • To address recent pedestrian-vehicle incidents, the roads adjacent to the Saville Centre will see construction this summer to improve pedestrian crossing safety.
  • This year, the University will expand available parking around the Saville Centre and charge $1.50 a night for users. The gravel parking lot near the LRT will be available at night once the parking fees are in place.
  • Near the 60th avenue entrance to the farm, a two-story building called “The Cube” will be built over the next two years. “The Cube” will be about the size of large house and will facilitate the future power needs of south campus.
  • The “feed mill” (a structure adjacent to the South West of the Saville Centre) will be demolished in the next year and its functions transferred to the Discovery Centre (the large building at the end of 60th street).
  • A double arena is planned to the West of Saville Centre. The City has committed funding but the project needs additional funds to proceed.
  • The Department of Kinesiology is exploring the possibility of a cross country ski trail on the farm close to the Saville Centre where existing lighting can be used.
  • Demolition of some Mitchener Park residences will start as soon as the buildings are vacated. The university will transfer the land to the University Land Trust. The Trust has not identified a final use for the land.
  • The University is doing a broad consultation on the University’s public role.

For UofA updates, see University of Alberta Infrastructure Projects.