Stretch & Stretch into 2017

A combination of lower and no-impact cardio, strength, flexibility, core and balance training. An ideal class for those wanting to stay active or those wanting motivation to exercise in a supportive safe environment close to home.

To get this class started in the community we need YOU to register this session; it will be designed and modified for the participants needs/injuries and fitness levels!

Instructor: Elise Ure

When: February 3-April 7 1:15 -2:15 p.m.

Where: BCL Lower hall

Cost: $80 for BCL members / $100 for non-members; Drop-ins: $15 for BCL members/$20 for a non-members (If paying by cheque, make out to the BCL)

Contact: Register at

Minimum of 12 participants are needed to run the program.

Registration and payment deadline: January 27th

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