Suggestions were solicited from Belgravia residents in a November, 2015 questionnaire distributed to all the houses in the community through the Belgravian newsletter and from an emailed request to BCL members to fill out the questionnaire. The completed forms were summarized and additional ideas provided were added as italics in the report. Over 60 responses to the questionnaire were received. Approximately 24 residents attended a community meeting on December 14, 2015 where all the original suggestions plus any new ones were presented.
All feedback has been summarized in table format and comments written as provided (See links below). None has been prioritized in any way. We asked respondents to explain why they didn’t like suggestions when they answered no. That information will be also be available at a later point.
Suggestions related to shortcutting, lights, road directions, road limitations and so on have been submitted to the City Transportation Project for the upcoming Belgravia Community Traffic Management Process (CTMP). The CTMP will be implemented this coming spring (maybe as early as March, 2016). Our hope is to work out the challenges of shortcutting and speeding in time for the Renewal of Belgravia streets, curbs and sidewalks slated to begin in 2017.
Belgravia Renewal Suggestions – Tables