You’ve likely noticed the large fenced area at the corner of 76 Avenue and 115 Street. Niche Developers is proposing a large project on this, and are seeking approval from City Council at a Public Hearing on Monday, February 26, at 2:00 pm.
Whatever you think of it, this project affects you.
Two key issues you should know:
1. The developer wants the building placed 3 m from the city property line, closer than what the current RA7 zoning allows. As well there’s the possibility of extending the underground parkade to the property line, less than 2 m from the trunks of the boulevard trees. This means significant cut backs to the tree canopy and roots. (In comparison, the building and underground parkade across the street are set back 6 m from the city property line).
SOLUTION: That Council require the current minimum setback (5.4 m) along 76 Avenue, met by every other building on that avenue.
2. The developer has promoted this project with promises of energy reduction building techniques like solar electricity & geo-thermal heating as well as concrete and steel construction. These are NOT specified in their application. If the application is approved without these requirements in place there is no obligation on the developer to follow them.
SOLUTION: That Council require the specific commitments for reducing energy consumption in the development application.
Many of us shared our concerns with the developers and city planners over the past nine months. Changes to the original proposal are minimal as summarized here:
Current RA7 Allows | Proposed DC2 Wants | ||
1 | Maximum Density | 125 dwellings/hectare | 288 dwellings/hectare (down from 291) |
2 | Maximum Units | 30 | 70 (down from 71) |
3 | Floor to Area Ratio | 1.4 | 2.2 (down from 2.5) |
4 | Min. setback north City property line (76 Ave) | 5.4 m | 3.0 m (no change) |
5 | Min. setback south City property line (alley) | 7.5 m | 6.0 m (no change) |
6 | Min. setback east City property line (115 St) | 4.5 m | 3.0 m (no change) |
7 | Min. setback west City property line (116 St) | 3.0 m | 4.5 m (no change) |
Other changes from the original DC2 proposal include 5 on-site visitor parking, 10 on-site visitor bike parking stalls, and designating 6 of the fourteen, 2 bedroom units the two 3 bedroom units as Family Oriented Dwellings.
Belgravians are not opposed to development – we are not NIMBYs. A great deal of change is already underway in Belgravia with:
- 35 active construction sites in Belgravia at this moment;
- 40 split lots, with more coming;
- one-sixth of all dwellings in Belgravia replaced in the past five years
The Public Hearing is in City Hall Council Chambers at 2:00 pm February 26. The Belgravia Community League is coordinating a response for this hearing so community concerns are fully and efficiently addressed. We encourage you to be part of this coordinated effort and ask that you contact Susan Kamp (BCL Planning Director) at
Anyone planning to present at the Public Hearing must register in advance (http://coewebapps.edmonton.
We are hoping that many Belgravians will attend the Public Hearing to show support for our presenters and to make clear to Council that our neighbourhood wants the DC2 to be modified. Please attend the hearing if you can!
2 thoughts on “Public Hearing on Proposed Rezone from RF7 to DC2 on 76 Ave and 115th Street”