An invitation to Belgravia residents from Erik Backstrom, Senior Planner, Transit Oriented Development Planning, City of Edmonton Sustainable Development
The City of Edmonton has an upcoming program, called the Planning Academy, that may be of interest to Belgravian community league board and members.
The Planning Academy is a series of courses designed to provide a better understanding of the planning and development process in Edmonton. By taking three core courses and an elective, participants can earn a Certificate of Participation and gain a solid understanding of how they can get involved in the planning and development process.
The Academy includes an interactive course on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) — including why it is happening and how it should be designed — facilitated by members of Edmonton’s TOD Planning Unit. Transit Oriented Development is an important aspect of Edmonton’s overall development plan and one that is of increasing relevance to property owners, businesses and community groups as the City continues work on LRT expansion.
As the South LRT line runs between your neighbourhoods and City Council recently adopted the McKernan-Belgravia Station Area Plan, transit oriented development may be a reality for you in the future. We encourage Belgravia and McKernan residents to learn more about it.
For more info about Planning Academy or to register for the first TOD course on November 7, 2013, go to