BCL Rink

Belgravia Community League Rink Rules

Contact information

COVID-19 Changes:
To keep everyone safe we follow Alberta Health guidelines for outdoor rinks. Please observe the guidelines, which as of Feb 21st include:
• No competitions, games or events can occur
• No shinny, tag or pick-up games (You can have sticks and pucks but must be from the same household)
• Non household members must stay at least 2-3 meters apart
• Maximum number of skaters posted
• Hand sanitizer is provided but you are also encouraged to bring your own
• Lights are out at 8:30 each night
• The washroom is closed for now
• Skaters must be BCL members and have a valid skate tag; see memberships page for tags
• Be responsible and respectful

For more information, visit the Alberta Health website and see the COVID-19 guidance for outdoor winter recreation page.
Link: https://www.alberta.ca/assets/documents/covid-19-information-guidance-for-winter-recreation.pdf

Code of Conduct

  • This is a family rink.  No alcohol, no smoking, no foul language.
  • Carry out what you carry in.  Please don’t leave your garbage for others to deal with.
  • Respect your neighbours and community hall users.  Many of the rink supporters live close by.


  • The schedule is posted at the rink gate. During holidays the Saturday schedule MUST be followed.


  • The rink is closed when it is being maintained.  Please respect the efforts of the volunteers and stay off the ice until it is ready.
  • Help out by clearing the ice when you are finished skating.

If the schedule or code of conduct is not being followed please contact the rink manager.


Skate Change Room Open: 9 am-10 pm; Rink Lights Out: 10 pm


Monday – Friday Saturday  Sunday
9 am – 3 pm

Elementary School skating

(No sticks)

 9 am – 2 pm

Family Skating

(No sticks)

9 am – 3 pm

Family Skating

(Sticks allowed)

 2 – 4 pm

Youth (7 – 13) Shinny

(Helmets required) 

3 – 6 pm

Elementary School skating/shinny

(Sticks allowed)

4 – 6 pm

Family Skating

(Sticks allowed)

3 – 6 pm

Family Skating

(No sticks)

6 – 8 pm

Multi-aged Shinny

6 – 8 pm

Multi-aged Shinny

6 – 8 pm

Multi-aged Shinny

8 – 10 pm

Adult Hockey/Shinny

8 – 10 pm

Adult Hockey/Shinny

8 – 10 pm

Adult Hockey/Shinny