The city is looking for input on the draft of the City Wide Food and Ag Strategy (CWFAS) either online or in person. The draft strategy and its supporting documents are available on the city’s website until October 8.
This is a very narrow time frame for you to read and give feedback. If you care about local food policy and preserving the local capacity to produce nutritious food, then please take the time to respond to the draft or attend one or more of the following meetings:
Highlights of the draft strategy will also be available at Open Houses being held on October 3 & 4.
Open House Locations and Times:
Wednesday October 3, 10am-8pm
City Hall, 1 Sir Winston Churchill SquareThursday October 4, 4-8pm
TransAlta Arts Barns, 10330-84 Avenue
TransAlta Arts Barns, 10330-84 Avenue
Tuesday, October 9, 7 pm
Ward 8 Meeting with Councillor Ben Henderson
Robertson Wesley United Church (102nd Ave & 123rd Street)