Scona Pool Party: July 6, 2013, 12-3:30 pm

Friends of Scona Pool (FOSP) is planning an End of Season Party at Scona Pool on Saturday afternoon, July 6. Join us on July 6 from 12-3:30 pm for a free BBQ and fun and games for the children. The pool will close for the rest of the summer for routine maintenance on July 13, with reopening expected in late August.

Cost of admission is $2 (or use your community league Scona Pool swim pass if applicable). There will be activities for children and free food, courtesy of FOSP funds held by CACCL, and we will apply for a partnership grant from Community Services to cover the cost of children’s activities (up to $300 upon submission of receipts).

Support FOSP (Friends of Scona Pool) which helps promote public use of Scona Pool through community leagues and community events.

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