If you’re curious about yoga or have already tried it… BCL is offering a class for young Belgravians who have aged out of the ‘pretend you’re a snake’ movement classes, and don’t want to attend a yoga class with their parents and seniors in the community. The class will be facilitated by Elise Ure, a skilled and compassionate yoga instructor who approaches each class according to the needs of the individuals in her classes.
Age range: If you’re between the 6th and 10th grades, this is probably for you. Then again, if you’re a serious 5th grader or a playful 11th grader, it may be a good class to try out!
- When: Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm (Jan 11–Feb 15, 2023)
- Where: BCL Lower Hall
- Cost: $85
- Minimum number: to run the class, 6 (max. 12)
- Register by: Dec 23, 2022 by contacting Jeanette at mib@belgraviaedmonton.ca