Good Neighbour Agreement (GNA) for the Development at the corner of 115 St and 76 Ave

The GNA is a signed agreement between Belgravia Community League and Niche Developments & Fleming Development. The purpose of this agreement is to create a working relationship that is responsive to the needs of both the developer and the surrounding community. The agreement outlines what the parties should do as “good neighbours” to minimize construction impacts. It is important for the community to know there is a mechanism to deal with construction issues.

As part of this agreement, there will be weekly Tuesday morning meetings between the project manager of this development and a member of BCL. These meetings are for the Developers to provide construction updates to BCL, and for the BCL to register any concerns or questions that have emerged over the week. If a member of the Belgravia Community has any issues or concerns they would like to raise at these weekly meetings, please email The BCL will use the website to relay information and updates to the Belgravia Community.

For more details, please see the Good Neighbour Agreement.

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