Recent plans by the City to extend the Shared Use Path (SUP) along Saskatchewan Drive south of 76 Avenue have raised concerns amongst some residents within Belgravia including: possible conflicts between off-leash dogs and shared-use path users; tree damage or removal for SUP construction; water runoff creating erosion & taxing the stormwater system; placement of windrows from snow clearing of SUP; whether a SUP is safe for walking amongst all other users; and, whether a SUP is even necessary given there are side walks on the east side of Sk Dr along this route.
Residents along SK DR and the BCL received the following letter from Dale Lehman, General Supervisor in Planning and Design for Building Great Neighbourhoods in the Department of Integrated Infrastructure Services addressing these concerns.
March 20 City Letter Addressing SK DR SUP Concerns
Please contact if you have concerns that have not been addressed or wish to respond to those that have already been raised.