Belgravia Crime Prevention Strategy Meeting

Thursday Oct 15 Community Hall 8:00 pm

On Oct 15th there will be a meeting to discuss Belgravia and the crime prevention strategy proposed for the neighbourhood.

Who will be there:
  • Crimestoppers: Flavia Robles
  • Edmonton Police Service: Const. Aimee Maione
  • MicroDotDNA Technology: Pat Cowman
This is a great opportunity to learn about the current efforts to reduce the crime in our community, learn about the current issues and pick up some tips for making our homes and property a much more difficult target.
The focus of the meeting will be the proposed program for Belgravia which includes the community, the Microdotdna program combined with EPS and Crimestoppers. Attached are two brochures on elements of the program.
We will be the first community in the city to have this joint program implemented.
Please come and see how it will benefit all of our efforts to keep the community secure.
It is your participation in this program that will have a considerable influence on its success.
See you there.
If you have not already done so, please let me know if you will be able to make this event.

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