Open House at the Heritage Stable Museum: Belgravian Jack Francis invites everyone to the 2nd annual open house at the A.L.E.S. Heritage Stable Museum on Sat. April 13, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Curated by Jack, the museum is packed with fascinating stuff from the early days of the University farm and local area.
Come and enjoy Jack’s stories and refreshments too. This is a free community event. The museum is located in the old barn at South Campus, just north of the Saville (GO) Centre (6647 – 118 Street) and parking is available. We hope to see you there!
Belgravia Stories: Do you enjoy the stories about some of our long-time community members in the Belgravian? Maybe you have a neighbour or friend who has a wonderful story too. If you do, Barb Krahn, writer and Belgravia Community League Board member-at-large wants to hear from you. Just email Barb at