About the Belgravia Community League

What does the Belgravia Community League (BCL) do?

The BCL represents the community at its most basic level. Incorporated June 1, 1954 and registered as a Society with the provincial government, the BCL is guided by our Strategic Plan and Bylaws (originally written in 1966 & amended 2015  BCL Bylaws 2015

All who volunteer their time and efforts to build a strong, diverse and proactive community include the: 

  • Board of Directors and related Committees
    • Executive Directors (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer)
    • Past President
    • Membership Director
    • Planning and Place Director
      • Belgravia Transportation Committee
    • Programs Director
      • Social, recreational, physical fitness classes at the hall
      • Made in Belgravia sessions
      • Special events (BCL Day & AGM, Haunted Halloween Hall, Family Day, Big Bin and Swap, Holiday Market)
    • Facilities Director
      • Hall Manager & Rental Coordinator 
      • Rink Manager
      • Belgravia Arts Park (BAP) Committee
    • Communications Director
      • Belgravian Newsletter Editorial and Distribution team
      • BCL Updates between newsletters
      • Social media team
    • Directors-at Large 

The BCL Board 

  • meets on the second Tuesday of every month from September to June with at least one planning meeting in the summer for the fall BCL Day & AGM during the summer  
  • organizes community meetings for residents to discuss issues of concern
  • represents the community at the city level on development matters
  • maintains and manages the hall and outdoor rink
  • serves as a Partner In Parks in maintaining the Belgravia Arts Park 
  • supports children’s soccer programs providing free storage space for Belgravia/Mackernan soccer equipment 
  • publishes and distributes the Belgravian Newsletter 6 – 7 times/year
  • manages the BCL Webpage and other social media
  • raises funds for special projects including upgrades to the hall, rink renewal, play grounds and Belgravia Arts Park.  

Sources of BCL funding

  1. Each year we apply for an operating grant from the City of Edmonton that covers hall maintenance, electricity, heating and water used at the hall.
  2. BCL Memberships
  3. Donations from community residents.
  4. BCL Programs income
  5. Hall rental income
  6. Casino (every 18 months) funds for (larger projects and designated events)